Saturday, 22 December 2012

Unexpected Orgy

Christmas drinks before R headed home for a few days with his folks seemed like an excellent idea. We were joined by Tom, his best friend Henry and in time Alan, a loud local friend who towers over us both, is only ever interested in sex and who we try and keep at something of a distance.

After several hours in Soho we headed home. Drunkeness provides a green light
for raucous behaviour and we produced a small packet. A snort seemed fine, a fun way to end the evening and then Alan encouraged another (why not).

Suddenly Alan lurched towards Tom's friend Henry and started snogging his face. Henry reciprocated and it didn't feel weird. We were all joining in - a naked tableau with Tom shagging his best mate, then Henry and me getting it on and R involved with Tom.

An hour (?) later R saved the day, collapsing on Henry fast asleep. Alan, clearly annoyed at R's selfish behaviour headed for the door and we called it a night.

We all woke up a little red-faced the next day but there were no hard feelings. The whole thing felt more like an out of body experience than anything and we laughed it off.

Seasons Greetings.